Happy March!

Happy March!

Spring is upon us! That means new growth, learning, and ways to blossom. We have an action packed class schedule on PATREON to support you whether that is working out in the morning before work or evening after, whether that is fitness or dance or even film production. It's gonna be a fun month! Hope to see you!!!

NEW in-person only CLASS!!!

NEW in-person only CLASS!!!

I am THRILLED to be returning to the studio for this rare 4 four week series in Transcultural Dance. It’s time to shake things up, be inspired, sweaty train, see what we are made of, and celebrate our uniqueness through global dance expression. January 22nd- February 12th, Sundays 10-11am at Studio A Dance (2306 Hyperion Ave, Los Angeles). $20/class or $70 for the series of 4. pre-registration necessary to ensure space. Email to register~ aubre@aubrehill.com. And see YOU in the studio!!!

December~ a month of self care, healing & wellness

December~ a month of self care, healing & wellness


We are quickly heading into the last month of 2022, and the general air has a tone of overwhelm, overextended, and a bit depleted. So instead of waiting until January to do our wellness jumpstart, we are focusing December on nurturing ourselves. Winter is a time to shed what no longer is serving and to grow deeper roots. Our classes are focusing on this from many angles to support each of us through the holidays, the end of the year, and utilizing our longer nights to replenish and rejuvenate.

November Patreon fun!

November Patreon fun!

Patreon has become such a beautiful and continually inspiring online community of movers, learners, and seekers. We are moving into a brand new month of possibilities, learning, adventures, creating, healing, and connecting. November has less weekly classes and expanded bonus classes to help fit into people's changing schedules.

Event Production course!!!

Event Production course!!!

Bringing together over 25 years of experience, join me for this unique 6 week online course on Independent, community event production! This course will meet online Wednesdays 7-9pm pst with recordings available, November 9th-December 14th, 2022. We will be working from idea to fruition including :
Visitor Experience
Emergency Planning
and more!

Students will complete course with a full event plan of their own creation including feedback. Each week includes readings and homework with last class being a presentation of each student’s plan. Space is limited to ensure quality focus.

$200 for entire 6 week course including all materials. To register, email aubre@aubrehill.com including why you are interested in event production and what experience you have thus far, if any. This information does not exclude anyone from the course but more so helps me understand individual goals and potential level of experience.

One scholarship is available specifically for a student of color. Please indicate in your email if you would like to be considered for this.

Any questions, please reach out anytime~ aubre@aubrehill.com

Spooky season is HERE!

Spooky season is HERE!

I love this time of year. The days getting cooler, the nights getting longer, the rain, the changing colors, and the time to reflect. I have been producing Halloween and/or Dia de los Muertos shows for several years now. These two holidays are my favorite and they happen right next to each other. Whether exploring the thinning of the veil, our fears and frights, or honoring our ancestors and loved ones that have past on, this season is one of deep creativity, magic, and comfort.

This year, the Haunting Hafla is BACK with a full new cast. I always love seeing what dancers create for this as it is always unique, creative, and delightful. This Satuday, October 15th the Haunting Hafla will stream live at 8pm pst online, so you can join from anywhere! The show will also be available for one week as a replay so if you can’t make it, we got your covered.

Dance Chat interview series

Dance Chat interview series

We have a rich living history in this dance community, and after a variety of deeply inspiring conversations with some of my favorite dance artists I knew it was time to capture these stories to share with YOU! And sooooo Dance Chat with Aubre Hill was born. You can access these anytime on my youtube channel. This online interview series looks at our history, lineage, changes, teaching philosophies, performance techniques, and so much more. Please check it out and let me know your thoughts. I’d love to hear from you!

Episode #1 Jamilla al Wahid
Episode #2 Helena Vlahos
Episode #3 Sahra Saeeda
Episode #4 Anaheed
and more to come…..

And so the creative process begins...

And so the creative process begins...

I’m honored to be part of this year’s Love Letters production again. This unique dance film online performance brings a cast of dance artists together representing a vastness of styles and influences for one special evening. We each create a film based upon a love letter by another cast member. The topics, experiences, and takes are all different pushing each of us to step out of our comfort zone and into creating something truly new. Join us September 17th, 2022 at 4pm pst. https://loveletters.thedancerwitch.com

Historic Roots & A New Exotic

Historic Roots & A New Exotic

“Historic Roots & a new exotic” by Aubre Hill “The sun is intense as we walk down dusty paths, exploring craft booths, distracted by jugglers, watching staged debauchery, and meandering among the ten thousand people visiting the Original Renaissance Pleasure Faire. We finally make our way to the Merchant’s stage just as the drums begin and the rhythmic sound of finger cymbals announce the “bellydancers”.  Six ornately dressed dancers shimmy through the audience, glide onto the stage, and begin weaving a story of far off lands and exotic places…”