Happy March!

Spring is upon us! That means new growth, learning, and ways to blossom. We have an action packed class schedule on PATREON to support you whether that is working out in the morning before work or evening after, whether that is fitness or dance or even film production. It's gonna be a fun month! Hope to see you!!!

Reminder, we have three tiers of membership and you are welcome to adjust your tier at anytime to suit your needs:

*Enthusiast $5/month will be receiving weekly inspirations and fit breaks (that's right finally here!)

*Student $25/month additionally gains access to the ENTIRE library of recorded classes with new classes being posted regularly.

*Trainee $100/month gets the whole shebang including ALL live classes, best deal considering there are 32 live classes this month.

Full details and to subscribe CLICK HERE.

*Raqs Sharqi is the solo nightclub dance most commonly seen throughout the Middle East particularly in Egypt, Lebanon, and Turkey. In this class, we will be focusing on internalized technique for musicality and combinations to play with expression, layering, and dynamics. If you dance in heels or want to learn to, bring them to class.

*Restorative Movement is a somatic practice bringing together a wide range of disciplines to de-stress, unpack tension, and bring the body and mind back to a space of ease. A mat is recommended for this class.  

*Pilates mat is an inclusive workout designed to develop our body awareness, breath, core, and alignment. This practice supports our joints, enhances our posture, and just feels good. For all bodies. A mat is recommended for this class.

*Transcultural Dance: Spring Clean~ we are cleaning out the technique, building our strength & flexibility, having fun, and playing!!! Each class will focus on different techniques and shapes as we explore a wide range of exercises and combinations.

*Project Dance Film is a NEW course breaking down the essentials to creating your own dance film from concept to shoot to edit. Over the course of the month, students will create their own film to share for feedback and learning. (Note: for any dancers interested in submitting for the Raqs Film Festival this is the perfect opportunity to get the support you need to realize your vision.)

SOO excited for this amazing month with you all! If you have any questions, email me anytime at aubre@aubrehill.com. HAPPY MARCH!!!