March online offerings

We are moving towards spring as we begin March. With the seeds planted of our body as a safe home for ourselves to be, we now explore strength, rebuilding, finding our power not out of resistance but instead from being rooted in our own knowing. This month's practices will bring in heat, sweat, and the liveliness that is spring all in a sense of honoring where your body would like to go and move. Ready? Let's dive in. JOIN HERE!

*Please note on the schedule, all times are pst.

This platform is set up with four tier options to help support a vastness of goals and budgets. You can change tiers anytime.
*Enthusiasts $5/month access weekly inspirations, book club, and my gratitude for your support.
*Students $25/month access class recordings, book club, and inspirations plus the library of past classes with more to come.
*Cultural Studies $40/month access monthly workshop, special access to past lecture series with new edited material to come, book club, and inspirations.
*Trainees $100/month access all classes, workshops, and recordings plus inspirations and check ins.

We have two weekly classes this month with a focus on building strength and grounded power.
*Pilates: building strength will be a practice focusing on core, breath, and how we support our joints and movement with heat. Get ready to sweat and also to explore what strength feels like your body today.
*Raqs Sharqi: Percussive Power will be a dance practice focusing on percussive technique and where we can initiate our movements for ease, strength, and power. Plus drum solo fun!

Our March workshop is on somatic healing. This workshop will be a movement and exploration of waking up body sensations, shifting for self regulation, and building healing through our own bodies. This will be available for all bodies and will be deliciously fun. Because joy is resilient
Thursday 3/21 7:45-9pm pst

This month's bookclub is "Deconstructing the Fitness Industrial Complex" edited by Justice Roe Williams, Roc  Rochon and Lawrence Koval. A little bit about this amazing book: "Perspectives from QTBIPOC, fat, and disabled trainers, bodyworkers, and coaches on reimagining fitness for all bodies. Fit is subjective. Who our society designates as fit–and who gets to be fit in our society–is predefined by the coaches, gyms, and systems at  large that uphold and reproduce the Fitness Industrial Complex for their  own structural and material gain.

The Fitness Industrial Complex  uplifts some bodies while denigrating others. Bodies that are Black,  Brown, queer, trans, poor, fat, and disabled–bodies that don’t conform,  that resist and disrupt–are excluded from being “fit.” Through the  stories and experiences of activist trainers, coaches, and bodyworkers  of diverse identities and experiences, this anthology interrogates:

  • The ideas and beliefs we’ve internalized about health, fitness, and our own and others’ bodies

  • How to deconstruct and re-envision fitness as a practice for all bodies

  • The fitness industry’s role in upholding and reinforcing oppression

  • Exclusivity, unsafety, and harm in mainstream fitness spaces

  • How to empower ourselves and our communities to push back against the FIC

Thursday 3/28 7:45-9pm pst. Our bookclub is open to all subscribers. I hope you will join me in reading and discussing this revolutionary and much needed book.         

Join my online studio HERE